Cherry: An Emerging Startup in Foodtech

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It’s no secret that covid-19 has imposed a new reality upon mankind. People from all over the world have witnessed a hault in their lives, and have been facing a depressing quarantine for months now.

However, businesses are faced with a new realization: “well what do you know, letting our employees work from home over the cloud makes us more money after all”. Now, what does that tell us about the future of the way we deal with our daily business routine ? it tells a lot. here is how;

Aside from having to work from the place that you find peace and serenity in, the place that you can call the comfort zone, which is your house, on the positive end of covid-19, now you can let out your anger out on a tomato while listening to your favourite musician on your launch break. Now you can take a break from the profit hunting, and enjoy what mother nature has given you to appreciate, to touch, to smell, to savor. Unleach your creativity by creating your own taste at home. and cherry is gonna help you find that taste!

Cherry know very well that if you are reading this blog post,  it means that you are the type of person who doesn’t want any second wasted on doing nothing, the type of people that we spent years designing and developing the perfect experience for. That’s why, from now on, you will get what you deserve; A platform that puts the entire food industry at your fingertips to deliver to you the best experience that technology had ever given.

Imagine the world’s recipes are harnessed, placed as your database, pour a little AI in there and voilà! hassle free content that you can implement, NOW. We guarantee that you will have the ingredients for it, minus a couple somedays, but it’s already a great value to seemelessly recommend what you can cook from your ingredients instantly without having to list anything from your end, cool huh? Not only that, through cherry, ordering ingredients from the outside is now slick, easy and fast, just how we wish to make the whole process for you.

One last feature for the shoppers who like to cherry pick their ingredients physically from the store, cherry will send you a notification when you’re near your favourite store to fetch the already listed ingredients while using our amazing app.

We have a lot more features for you to enjoy, in order to simplify your life.

Peter B.Abdo,
